Into the Tidyverse | Session Two

Warwick Data Science Society


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Basic Scatter Plots

  • The basic structure of the code needed to generate a scatter plot is
ggplot(<DATA>) +
  <GEOM_FUNCTION>(aes(x = <VAR1>, y = <VAR2>, 
                      <FURTHER MAPPINGS>))
  • Further mappings include col/colour/color, size, alpha, shape
  • We manually set aesthetics by placing them outside of aes()


  • We can facet a plot in one of two ways
ggplot(<DATA>) +
ggplot(<DATA>) +
  facet_grid(<ROW_VAR> ~ <COL_VAR>)

Working with Data Frames

  • Useful functions for inspecting dataframes are
    • head(), tail(),
    • summary()
    • str()
    • $, [[...]]
  • We get more information about a dataset using ?dataset_name

Back to the Basics


  • We now have some experience with running R code
  • But there is still a lot that we have not covered
  • Here we cover some fundamentals of coding with R
  • I'll also offer some tips and tricks for using RStudio

Coding Basics

R as a Calculator

  • We have already seen that R can be used as a basic calculator
  • This functionality extends beyond basic arithmetic
(58 + 73 * 2) / 3  # normal rules of BIDMAS apply
[1] 68
sin(pi / 2)
[1] 1
[1] 9
log(42)  # natural logarithm - also called ln()
[1] 3.73767


  • R is capable of storing any value in an object (also called variables)
  • Objects are simply a way of labelling a piece of data for later use
  • In R, objects are assigned using the <- operator
x <- 3 * 4
  • Once an object has been assigned a value, it can be referenced by using its name
[1] 12
x / 2
[1] 6

Objects (cont.)

  • All R statements where you create objects have the form
object_name <- value
  • An object will retain its value until one of the following occur:
    • You close RStudio
    • You delete the object manually
    • You overwrite its value with another
  • You can see a list of all objects in the 'Environment' pane in RStudio
  • Many programming languages use the = symbol for assignment and R will accept this too; this will however cause confusion later, so please avoid doing so
  • If you are getting tired of tying <- you can use the keyboard shortcut alt-minus in RStudio to insert it

What's in a Name?

  • Object names must start with a letter, and can only contain letters, numbers, _, and .
  • A good object name will be descriptive and follow the same convention as the rest of your code
  • Don't be afraid of long variable names! RStudio is capable of code completion. Simply type the first few letters of a variable name (or function, for that matter), press TAB, select the correct name from the drop-down list, and press ENTER.
  • Beware: Object names in R are case-sensitive and are intolerant to typos!

Aside: Code History

  • When typing in the console, you can use the up and down arrow keys to jump between previously entered lines of code
  • This is especially helpful if you made a mistake in a line of code and which to correct it before re-running
  • You can see your full code history in the 'History' pane in RStudio


Calling Functions

  • R has a large collection of built-in functions that are called like this:
function_name(arg1 = val1, arg2 = val2, ...)
  • An example of such a function is seq() which makes a regular sequence of numbers
seq(from = 1, to = 10)
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
  • For many functions, it is unnecessary to name the arguments as there is an obvious order that they should be entered in
seq(1, 10)
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
  • There are ways to check which functions allow this, but for now, trial and error plus some common sense will suffice

Common Problems

  • If the symbol at the start of the R console changes from a > to a + then it means that R is expecting more input. Perhaps you forgot to close a bracket. If you can't find how to make R happy, you can press the ESC key to exit the current statement and start afresh.
  • If you receive an object not found error then it is most likely that you've made a typo or have forgotten to assign a value to a variable you are referencing
  • If you are unsure of what arguments a specific function takes, have a look at the relevant help page using the ? operator

Data Import


Where Are We?

  • Now that we have the basics of data visualisation under our belt, we can return to the beginning of the data science pipeline
  • In doing this, we are departing from the order that R4DS takes, although I think this is best so we can get our hands on the weather dataset

Data Analysis Map - Import

What is readr?

  • readr is another of the many packages included in the tidyverse
  • It allows you to import data from a wide variety of storage formats
  • It is designed to balance import speed, ease-of-use, and consistency

readr Hex

First Steps

CSV files

  • Common-separated value (CSV) files are almost certainly the most common storage format for flat data
  • Each observation occupies its own line and fields are separated by commas (hence the name)
  • CSVs can contain a header row with column names, although this is not always the case

Example of a CSV file

Importing CSV files

  • You can import a CSV file using the read_csv() function
  • Don't forget to import the tidyverse package first!
  • The first argument is the most important; it's the path to the file to read
  • The path of the file should be relative to your current working directory
  • This can be changed using Session > Set Working Directory > Choose Directory or by using Ctrl+Shift+H

Importing CSV files (cont.)

people_df <- read_csv("data/people.csv")
Parsed with column specification:
  earn = col_double(),
  height = col_double(),
  sex = col_character(),
  ed = col_double(),
  age = col_double(),
  race = col_character()
  • When using the read_csv() function, you are outputted a message containing the column names and types
  • Warning: Don't confuse readr's read_csv() function with the built-in read.csv() function

Importing CSV files (cont.)

# A tibble: 1,192 x 6
    earn height sex       ed   age race    
   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   
 1 50000   74.4 male      16    45 white   
 2 60000   65.5 female    16    58 white   
 3 30000   63.6 female    16    29 white   
 4 50000   63.1 female    16    91 other   
 5 51000   63.4 female    17    39 white   
 6  9000   64.4 female    15    26 white   
 7 29000   61.7 female    12    49 white   
 8 32000   72.7 male      17    46 white   
 9  2000   72.0 male      15    21 hispanic
10 27000   72.2 male      12    26 white   
# ... with 1,182 more rows

Aside: Tibbles

  • Tibbles are just standard R data frames, but they tweak some old behaviours to make life a little easier
  • For example, Tibbles limit how many rows and columns are printed in one go to avoid flooding the console
  • They also give you useful tips such a column types and the dimension of the data frame
  • A standard R data frame can be converted to a tibble using the as_tibble() function
mtcars_tb <- as_tibble(mtcars)

In-line CSV files

  • For the purposes of testing code, the read_csv() function can process an in-line CSV
  • This is also important for creating reproducible examples
  "a, b, c
   1, 2, 3
   4, 5, 6"
# A tibble: 2 x 3
      a     b     c
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2     3
2     4     5     6

readr Parameters

Skipping Rows

  • As seen in both previous examples, the default behaviour for read_csv() is to use the first line for column names
  • This convention can be circumvented by using either the skip or comment parameter

Skipping Rows (cont.)

  • The skip parameter can be used to skip a specified number of rows in the CSV file before starting to read data
  • This is useful when your CSV contains metadata at the top of the file
  "The first line of metadata
   The second line of metadata
   x, y, z
   1, 2, 3",
  skip = 2
# A tibble: 1 x 3
      x     y     z
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2     3

Skipping Rows (cont.)

  • The comment parameter can be used to drop all lines starting with a specified character
  "# This line is a comment
   x, y, z
   # So is this one
   1, 2, 3",
  comment = '#'
# A tibble: 1 x 3
      x     y     z
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2     3

Manual Column Names

  • It may be the case that the CSV file you are importing does not have column names
  • In this case you can use the col_names parameter to control what to do

Manual Column Names (cont.)

  • Setting col_names = FALSE will tell read_csv() that the first row of the CSV file is data and that the column should be labelled using generic names 'X1', 'X2', etc.
  "1, 2, 3
   4, 5, 6",
  col_names = FALSE
# A tibble: 2 x 3
     X1    X2    X3
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2     3
2     4     5     6

Manual Column Names (cont.)

  • Alternatively, if you know what the column names should be, you can specify then using a character vector
  "1, 2, 3
   4, 5, 6",
  col_names = c("x", "y", "z")
# A tibble: 2 x 3
      x     y     z
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2     3
2     4     5     6

Aside: Vectors

  • In R, a vector is a collection of elements of the same type
  • There are integer vectors, character vectors, double vectors, and many more
  • Vectors are created using the c() function. This stands for combine
x <- c(1, 4, 9)
  • Most mathematical functions in R act element-wise on vectors
[1] 1 2 3
  • A particular value of a vector can be accessed using the [ accessor
x[2]  # R uses 1-based-indexing
[1] 4

Missing Values

  • In the real world, it is rare to ever have a complete data set
  • Missing values can be encoded using a range of symbols - ., ?, N/A, -, etc.
  • You can tell readr() which symbol is used in a given CSV file using the na parameter
  "x, y, z
   1, 2, .
   4, ., 6",
  na = '.'
# A tibble: 2 x 3
      x     y     z
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     2    NA
2     4    NA     6


  • With these few techniques, one is most likely capable of reading about 75% of all CSV files that come up in 'the wild'
  • These techniques easily be adapted for use with other readr functions

More readr Functions

More Delimited Files

  • read_csv2() - semicolon-separated files
  • read_tsv() - read tab-separated files
  • read_delim() - reads files with any delimiter
read_delim('path/to/file.txt', '|')
  • These all accept the same additional arguments as read_csv()

Fixed-width files (Omitted)

  • Some flat data files do not have separators but instead have the same width for each observation of a given field
  • These are usually separated by spaces but other characters can be used

Example of a fixed-width file

Importing fixed-width files

  • You can import a fixed-width file using the read_fwf() function
  • This behaviours very similar to read_csv() although column names must be specified manually
  • The second argument of read_fwf() can be fwf_widths(). This then takes a vector of integers to represent the widths of the columns and an optional vector of column names
people <- read_fwf('data/people.txt', 
                   fwf_widths(c(6, 9, 7, 3, 3, 9), 
                   skip = 1)
Parsed with column specification:
  earn = col_double(),
  height = col_double(),
  sex = col_character(),
  ed = col_double(),
  age = col_double(),
  race = col_character()

Importing fixed-width files (cont.)

# A tibble: 1,192 x 6
    earn height sex       ed   age race    
   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   
 1 50000   74.4 male      16    45 white   
 2 60000   65.5 female    16    58 white   
 3 30000   63.6 female    16    29 white   
 4 50000   63.1 female    16    91 other   
 5 51000   63.4 female    17    39 white   
 6  9000   64.4 female    15    26 white   
 7 29000   61.7 female    12    49 white   
 8 32000   72.7 male      17    46 white   
 9  2000   72.0 male      15    21 hispanic
10 27000   72.2 male      12    26 white   
# ... with 1,182 more rows
  • These can be read in alternative ways using fwf_positions(), fwf_cols(), and fwf_empty()
  • See ?read_fwf to learn more

Importing fixed-width files (cont.)

  • When a fixed-width file has columns separated by white-space, you can use the read_table() function
  • This will automatically guess the column positions so you only need to enter a path to a file
  • However, it isn't always the smartest when the file has a header so it is best to skip the header and manually specify the column names
people <- read_table('data/people.txt', 
                     col_names = c('earn','height','sex','ed','age','race'))
Parsed with column specification:
  earn = col_double(),
  height = col_double(),
  sex = col_character(),
  ed = col_double(),
  age = col_double(),
  race = col_character()

Importing Foreign Data

  • Although it is best to import data directly using code, RStudio does offer a tool for importing common data files
  • This is useful whilst you are still learning R but is not a long term solution as it lacks reproducibility

Importing foreign datasets

Column Types

Manual Column Types

  • R4DS now spends a dozen or so pages discussing how to control the parsing of column types
  • This is worth a read if you're interested but I will summarise the main points in a few slides

  • readr uses a heuristic to figure out the type of each column from the first 1000 rows

  • This means that it can sometimes get these wrong

  • In this case, it is worth re-importing but with column types specified manually

  • The most common issues are integers being read as doubles, factors (categorical variables) being read as strings, or dates being read as strings

Manual Column Types (cont.)

  • You can manually specify column types using the col_types parameter with the cols() function
people <- read_csv('data/people.csv',
                   col_types = cols(
                     earn = col_double(),
                     sex = col_factor(),
                     age = col_integer()
  • Any columns not specified will be guessed
  • A column can be skipped by setting its type to col_skip()
  • Valid column types are logical, integer, double, character, factor, date, time, datetime, number (this is only used in special cases)

(A Tiny Bit More) Data Visualisation

More Geometries

Line plots

  • So far, we have only produced scatter plots and that's a bit boring
  • By changing which geometry we use, we generate a line plot
  • A dataset suited to this type of graph is the oranges dataset
Orange <- as_tibble(Orange)
# A tibble: 6 x 3
  Tree    age circumference
  <ord> <dbl>         <dbl>
1 1       118            30
2 1       484            58
3 1       664            87
4 1      1004           115
5 1      1231           120
6 1      1372           142
  • How would we learn more about the Orange dataset?

Line plots (cont.)

  • A line plot is produced by using the geom_line() geometry
  • Note that I am specifying parameters by position rather than by name
ggplot(Orange) +
  geom_line(aes(x = age, y = circumference, col = Tree), size = 2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-34

Smooth Fitted Lines (cont.)

  • A similar geometry is geom_smooth(). This adds a smooth fitted line to a plot
  • This can be combined with geom_point() to create the following graph
  • Use can use the se parameter to control whether confidence intervals are shown. These are best turned off for now
ggplot(Orange) +
  geom_smooth(aes(x = age, y = circumference, col = Tree), size = 2, se = FALSE) +
  geom_point(aes(x = age, y = circumference, col = Tree), size = 2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-35

Global Aesthetics

  • The previous code is repetitive as we specify the mapping for aesthetics x, y, and col twice
  • We can instead specify these as the second argument of ggplot()
  • These will be treated as global variables mappings
  • You can still specify local mappings in either of the geometry functions
ggplot(Orange, aes(x = age, y = circumference, col = Tree)) +
  geom_smooth(size = 2, se = FALSE) +
  geom_point(aes(size = circumference))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-36

Aesthetics for line graphs

  • Both line graph geometries both come with a linetype aesthetic to control what type of line is used
  • This should have a categorical variable mapped to it or manually set to a positive integer value/name of a line type
  • Both aesthetics also has a group() aesthetic which allows you to separate the full data set before generating the lines (see exercises for examples of this)
  • This can be set to -1 to use no grouping